Saturday, 29 September 2012


Came across this pretty awesome singer, pretty underrated though only 21k+ watches(you know what I mean).

But what's slightly disturbing is the fact that you have a bearded man singing (so well) in a purple tee to you.No offense meant regarding the beard, is it a religious symbol or something?'s the song. 

been studying math all day,albeit my efficiency went down at times throughout the day.

8th October-the day it all ends,but the new beginning of ARP madness.

English sucks

the exams are just around the corner.yeap.

watching people play career mode with chelsea on fifa 13 is frustrating.they just do not know how to utilise the squad. I would just go for falcao and fellaini,maybe. and put oscar and moses on my bench.okay,maybe oscar over mikel.and i also saw some dude sell mata to man city.fool.

it's just complicated-ish.not really,but maybe.

soon,exams will be all over.and I can start on my arp,hopefully finish by december,and take a good long rest.

then it's my last year.haha.feels so...surreal.just 4 years ago,i was this small round guy walking around taking my studies seriously.

And i think next year will pass just as fast. The only thing I'm really worried about is soccer. It has been a constant source of pain throughout this semester. I suck so much, yet I can't find the time(even though I may seem very free) to practice or train myself. If coach plays me in a friendly, I might just embarrass myself in front of the school.Although my last bit of competitive action was like 7 months ago,coming on as a substitute for a 10 minute cameo as a central midfielder,which I feel did decently.I do feel fitter now,but my agility and ball skills are just as crap as ever.that's why the period after exams is extremely crucial for me to train up and get into coach's and my teammates' good books.

oh well.time to go sleep.i think.

English is screwed up in so many ways that I can't express it in proper words.

Sunday, 23 September 2012


spent 30 mins trying to wrap my mum's present.and I half succeeded.looks somewhat okay.but then again,I spent 30 mins trying to wrap ONE present.I suck at gift wrapping,haha.

tried to get tips from youtube,but ended up wrapping all by myself.

lol.this two days have been super non-productive.the only thing I managed to do was to study chem hons chapter 6 up till mixed aldol addition.

and I'm like an hour and 10 mins away from leaving for my mum's birthday dinner.And that's discounting the time I need to write my mum's birthday card,packing for hostel,*trying* to do some work(which will probably amount to nothing) Lol I'm screwed.

And ate quite alot of carbs this weekend,but didn't engage in any physical activity at all.I'm really screwed.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Shirt and Pants

Just finished writing the wedding card for my to-be-wedded friends. Seems a bit messy,but I hope they can 'feel' the heart that I put into writing the card!:P

only offered 1 bible verse though.I thought of putting in another one, but was afraid of making it look to...cluttered.


on the other hand,I get to wear shirt and pants tomorrow!so excited! hehe

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Going back

Going back to hostel tonight.don't know why but the idea just feels so alien-ish.

I've grown sick of hostel,actually.

Granted,it's convenient,it may be fun(sometimes only),and yes,there's freedom...

but it's not just home.

It can't ever replace just doesn't have that comfort, warmth and familiarity to it.

The holidays,it's come at a right time.And it's made me realise that home, no matter what, is still home.

Nothing can ever take its place.nothing.and I find the freedom that comes with hostel just too alien-ish.

Grow up, this is life or this is reality, you may say to me. Well, you can say all you want.

I'm just grown sick of hostel. 

Yes, I know that NS will be like this, with even less freedom. So be it. I don't care, really. NS is unavoidable, really, you just have to take it and accept it as a free, 2 year, training course. Half of me is already welcoming it,in fact.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Madeleine McCann

The pain Madeleine's parents has felt for the past 5 years...none can ever be compared with it.

This sweet little girl,Madeleine,was kidnapped 5 years ago in Portugal during the McCann's vacation there.

Read up on it.I insist. Just wiki Madeleine McCann. Or google the name.

Nothing more I can say.