Waiting for response from my correspondent in Algarve,Portugal.
BUT STILL.Patience is a virtue :)
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Sunday, 30 June 2013
A sneak peek...
...at Cornwall!
follow this link to peruse a photo gallery of a local photographer in Cornwall!(dunno whether the sentence structure's screwed up)
follow this link to peruse a photo gallery of a local photographer in Cornwall!(dunno whether the sentence structure's screwed up)
Saturday, 29 June 2013
The truth behind Eternal Salvation
“耶稣回答说:“我实实在在地告诉你们:人若不重身,就不能见神的国。” ” 约翰福音3:3
“耶稣说:“我就是道路,真理,生命,若不藉着我,没有人能到父那里去。你们若认世我,也就认识我的父。” ” 约翰福音14:6-7上
“就如经上所记:“没有义人,连一个也没有;” ” 罗马书3:10
“耶稣回答说:“我实实在在地告诉你们:人若不重身,就不能见神的国。” ” 约翰福音3:3
“耶稣说:“我就是道路,真理,生命,若不藉着我,没有人能到父那里去。你们若认世我,也就认识我的父。” ” 约翰福音14:6-7上
“就如经上所记:“没有义人,连一个也没有;” ” 罗马书3:10
Friday, 28 June 2013
I'm Back!
Back to humid and warm Singapore. Oh well. Malaysia's warm and humid too. T-minus 6 days to PAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAADISE. One that's a cool 19 to 25 degrees Celsius!:D
And...finally a math teacher that'll force me to do tutorials. Good, since I want to get that 5.0 gpa this sem.
And...finally a math teacher that'll force me to do tutorials. Good, since I want to get that 5.0 gpa this sem.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Taking chances
"Trust your heat if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars though the stars walk backward."
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
I have internet access at this apartment.
That means no need to go down to starbucks/any-other-place-with-wifi to get wifi. YAY.
Means I won't be bored anymore,and I'm contactable through whatsapp.
That means no need to go down to starbucks/any-other-place-with-wifi to get wifi. YAY.
Means I won't be bored anymore,and I'm contactable through whatsapp.
Friday, 31 May 2013
Just had lunch with my uncle.
Thank you, Lord, for giving me these results :)
He's helped me pull through with physics and english. Now I have to rely even more on His strength to achieve my target gpa of 5.0, which isn't going to be easy, what with english, physics and math. Of course, I can only do so little on my own :)
Thank you, Lord, for giving me these results :)
He's helped me pull through with physics and english. Now I have to rely even more on His strength to achieve my target gpa of 5.0, which isn't going to be easy, what with english, physics and math. Of course, I can only do so little on my own :)
Thursday, 30 May 2013
You know what?
I absolutely hate the fact that I'm this absent minded. Now I've dug a hole for myself. Happens every time.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Punching the past
Just so y'all know,I'm not going through some sort of emotional crisis. I'm just been in a pensive mood recently.
Anyways,just found out that my cousin will be starting her degree in medicine at Yong Loo Lin this coming august, which is awesome! (Admittedly I'm kinda slow, results have already been out for probably 1 month +). Wishing her all the best in her studies! (Even though she's not aware of the existence of this blog).
So yea probably she'll be your senior if you get into Yong Loo Lin too, but that's not for another 15 months haha.
Eagerly anticipating the issuance of progress reports. Want to see whether my CAP has improved! MUST GET DISTINCTION. To be honest, I'll be disappointed if I can't scrape a distinction.
As a student, and a Christian, my purpose of studying is to glorify God through my studies, and regrettably I haven't been doing this for the past 5 years, adopting a no-chap attitude for the majority of my time in nushs. I'd like to go back in time and punch myself for that, haha. No joke though. I'd really like to do that.
So yea. I'd really really like to do that :D
Studies, to me, isn't about getting good grades, getting a good diploma, get into a good course, get a good job and earn big bucks. Yes, on the surface I would sometimes say things that would contradict what I am saying here, (I really should stop doing that), it's about getting good grades, and glorifying God through them. After all, He is the one who gives me those, because I've put in the necessary efforts. I don't want to earn big bucks because I want to be rich. I just want to be financially stable, I just want to be able to live life. Well, anyway I've already decided that a tenth of my future salary should be for offerings (it's written in the bible)*. Granted, earning more means I can give more. But it's never about getting rich. I don't want to get rich. Riches breed arrogance (for example, CZY). That's the last thing I want.
*An example: 32 And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the Lord. Leviticus Chapter 27
Anyways,just found out that my cousin will be starting her degree in medicine at Yong Loo Lin this coming august, which is awesome! (Admittedly I'm kinda slow, results have already been out for probably 1 month +). Wishing her all the best in her studies! (Even though she's not aware of the existence of this blog).
So yea probably she'll be your senior if you get into Yong Loo Lin too, but that's not for another 15 months haha.
Eagerly anticipating the issuance of progress reports. Want to see whether my CAP has improved! MUST GET DISTINCTION. To be honest, I'll be disappointed if I can't scrape a distinction.
As a student, and a Christian, my purpose of studying is to glorify God through my studies, and regrettably I haven't been doing this for the past 5 years, adopting a no-chap attitude for the majority of my time in nushs. I'd like to go back in time and punch myself for that, haha. No joke though. I'd really like to do that.
So yea. I'd really really like to do that :D
Studies, to me, isn't about getting good grades, getting a good diploma, get into a good course, get a good job and earn big bucks. Yes, on the surface I would sometimes say things that would contradict what I am saying here, (I really should stop doing that), it's about getting good grades, and glorifying God through them. After all, He is the one who gives me those, because I've put in the necessary efforts. I don't want to earn big bucks because I want to be rich. I just want to be financially stable, I just want to be able to live life. Well, anyway I've already decided that a tenth of my future salary should be for offerings (it's written in the bible)*. Granted, earning more means I can give more. But it's never about getting rich. I don't want to get rich. Riches breed arrogance (for example, CZY). That's the last thing I want.
*An example: 32 And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the Lord. Leviticus Chapter 27
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Career day
has cleared off something's that's been on my mind recently. Why pursue a chemistry degree?Do I really have a burning passion in chemistry? Or is it just because I score well in the subject?
And most of all, do I want a career in chemistry?
It's not that I don't...but...I can't really think of why I would want it. It's like there's a missing piece of the puzzle, you know?
Talking to that SAF officer was quite enlightening, actually. And he does raise quite a number of good points. Pursuing a purpose-driven career is alot more fulfilling than a profit-driven one. The sense of purpose is there. There are chances to help change other's lives. Plus it does give me financial stability. And there's that factor of contributing to the nation.
If I do get into OCS, I'll most likely sign on. 80% confirm. 20% comes from my time in NS, whether I feel that I should sign on.
And most of all, do I want a career in chemistry?
It's not that I don't...but...I can't really think of why I would want it. It's like there's a missing piece of the puzzle, you know?
Talking to that SAF officer was quite enlightening, actually. And he does raise quite a number of good points. Pursuing a purpose-driven career is alot more fulfilling than a profit-driven one. The sense of purpose is there. There are chances to help change other's lives. Plus it does give me financial stability. And there's that factor of contributing to the nation.
If I do get into OCS, I'll most likely sign on. 80% confirm. 20% comes from my time in NS, whether I feel that I should sign on.
Monday, 27 May 2013
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Enjoy this fine collection of art.
Basically the words on the apron reads: Do not feed the bird.
Yes,this bird can talk
Matchmaker bird
That guy eventually became an astronaut.
Belly flopping into a pit of oranges.
Says the fat bird.
Saturday, 25 May 2013
I said that my legs would recover in time for tomorrow's CIP,but...I can't say that for sure now. It would seemed that it took a turn for the worse, now even my left achilles is threatening to leave me limping around like a cripple. (on top of my right, which seemed like it was almost OK last night...-.-)
I'm really glad there was someone I could talk to about the matters of the Kingdom of God...although from different sides. I do have friends in church whom I can talk to about such things, but this is the first time I actually talked about such things for such a long time (albeit only for an hour or so). To be honest, that was the first time this year, I actually felt like I was talking about something worthwhile. Heh. It's also given me more motivation to be a better christian. Haha.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
"神 爱 世 人 , 甚 至 将 他 的 独 生 子 赐 给 他 们 , 叫 一 切 信 他 的 , 不 至 灭 亡 , 反 得 永 生 。因 为 神 差 他 的 儿 子 降 世 , 不 是 要 定 世 人 的 罪, 乃 是 要 叫 世 人 因 他 得 救 。" --约翰福音三章十六至十七节
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
do I have this feeling that I've somehow overtaxed my achilles. Sigh. What's wrong with my body.
I've definitely pulled my achilles. must be from sunday. Somehow -.-
I've definitely pulled my achilles. must be from sunday. Somehow -.-
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
NS medical checkup is amazing.
I learnt lots of things about my body.Like, my fat % is 21.2%. I expected ~20%, so yea. That's cool. I'll try to cut to 15% haha.
And I also found that I have Sinus Bradycardia. That's even cooler. You can go wiki it. Plus I have the resting heart rate of an average amateur athlete (I think) of 55 bpm! Hehe. Now, it'll be cooler if I could run like one.
It's was quite interesting,except for the vocation assessment which I definitely screwed up.
Excited for enlistment! :D :D :D
Saturday, 11 May 2013
Monday, 6 May 2013
Don't know how reliable this is, but it seems like a good read.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Thursday, 2 May 2013
I do admit that the remark I made earlier today was a rather rude one. I'm not trying to make excuses for myself, but I wasn't in a particularly good mood. Nonetheless, it was quite unbecoming of me.
Though I can't deny the fact that I don't particularly like him. IMO, everyone has a certain set of boundaries and personal space that should be respected. Well, he doesn't respect other's. Of course, this is based on my own feelings, observations and opinions.
I should stop here. Shouldn't turn this post into a rant.
I just can't help it.
Though I can't deny the fact that I don't particularly like him. IMO, everyone has a certain set of boundaries and personal space that should be respected. Well, he doesn't respect other's. Of course, this is based on my own feelings, observations and opinions.
I should stop here. Shouldn't turn this post into a rant.
I just can't help it.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Sunday, 21 April 2013
"7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
-Exodus 20:7, the 3rd commandment.
In other words, do not misuse God's name, or ANY other of his names (e.g. Jesus Christ). Well, this is for you all to decide, you could just ignore this warning and write me off as some radical religious fool. The choice's yours. :)
-Exodus 20:7, the 3rd commandment.
In other words, do not misuse God's name, or ANY other of his names (e.g. Jesus Christ). Well, this is for you all to decide, you could just ignore this warning and write me off as some radical religious fool. The choice's yours. :)
Monday, 15 April 2013
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
When I projected the gpas I needed this year in order to scrap a distinction, I found that it was impossible to get a gpa of 5.7 in the 2nd sem. I was, of course, devastated. I was quite sad for a while, silently berating myself for not putting in more effort in my earlier years. But, it's no use mulling over the inevitable, what's done is already done. It's my fault for not concentrating on my studies, I have to bear the consequences. What matters is that I don't repeat this in university. For now, all I can do is to make the best out of the last few months I have left in this school. That is all.
Monday, 8 April 2013
What ifs
I look back at this short 17 years in my life thus far,and there are already plenty of "what if"s. If I could go back in time to fix this "what if"s, I would. But life's not about looking back over my shoulder all the time. It's about pressing forward and cherishing the things around me now, making the most of chances. Though admittedly this is easier said than done.
Can't help but feel that I've somehow wasted my youth.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
My dear 15 years old sister,
Please fix this rotten attitude problem of yours, before we all lose patience with you. If you're that dense not to have noticed that this attitude problem is annoying (frankly this is just an understatement) to others, I have nothing to say to you. Nothing. If you don't learn to respect others, how can others respect you? I mean, this is common sense, right? Forgive me if it seems like a rather complex concept to grasp.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Monday, 25 March 2013
Saturday, 23 March 2013
yea.Though it was really just work and work and work and work, I feel slightly refreshed from this spring break.1 week is simply not enough,especially when teachers pile us with work to begin with.
Awwww...so this is how love is like.
what do you call a penguin which has anhalf-decent okay hairstyle,wears half-decent okay pants,boxers(oops) and carries a blue bag around?(Ignore any grammatical error(s))
yea.Though it was really just work and work and work and work, I feel slightly refreshed from this spring break.1 week is simply not enough,especially when teachers pile us with work to begin with.
Awwww...so this is how love is like.
what do you call a penguin which has an
Friday, 22 March 2013
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
how to whistle
First,listen to this song:
okay fine I'm just messing with you.this song has absolutely no link at all,just to mess with you haha.
the first few seconds are creepy.
or you could try this: http://www.wikihow.com/Whistle
or this:http://artofmanliness.com/2012/04/08/how-to-whistle-with-your-fingers/
meanwhile,I'm going to go learn how to whistle with fingers.
okay fine I'm just messing with you.this song has absolutely no link at all,just to mess with you haha.
the first few seconds are creepy.
or you could try this: http://www.wikihow.com/Whistle
or this:http://artofmanliness.com/2012/04/08/how-to-whistle-with-your-fingers/
meanwhile,I'm going to go learn how to whistle with fingers.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Post-NUS open day/house
Okay so basically what I reaped from NUS open day/house was:
- U-town is awesome.Like I'd love to study there.The environment is sooooo nice.Plus there's a nice gym there to keep fit after NS.
- Think I'll have a go at applying for USP when I apply to NUS.It's the exact definition of learning.If you went for the talks you'll know what I mean. It encourages you to explore beyond your major(I think). The only stumbling block is that there's an application essay, and the fact that there's 2 years of compulsory residency in the hostel there(which my mum has said she's against staying there,because it's like there are no limits there. I feel the same way too, actually.)
- Learnt that the direct honours course at NTU isn't that straightforward,if you fail to get a cap of 3.5 at the end of year 3,you'll still do a FYP in yr 4,but graduate with just a BSc (no hons). Which nowadays is as good as useless.
- NUS has impressed me, just that I'd have to weigh my options. The one thing NTU may be able to convince me with is their integrated BSc and MSc programme, if i get invited.
- The overseas exchange programmes at NUS seems very impressive. I'd definitely have a go at those when and if I study there.
- So NUS isn't as 'detached' as I thought it was.
Friday, 15 March 2013
Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceivingBut I know I saw a light in youAnd as we walked we were talkingI didn't say half the things I wanted to
Of all the girls tossing rocks at your windowI'll be the one waiting there even when it's coldHey Stephen, boy, you might have me believingI don't always have to be alone
'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angelCan't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain soCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met youCan't help it if there's no one elseMmm, I can't help myself
Hey Stephen, I've been holding back this feelingSo I got some things to say to youI've seen it all, so I thoughtBut I never seen nobody shine the way you do
The way you walk, way you talk, way you say my nameIt's beautiful, wonderful, don't you ever changeHey Stephen, why are people always leaving?I think you and I should stay the same
'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angelCan't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain soCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met youCan't help it if there's no one elseMmm, I can't help myself
They're dimming the street lights, you're perfect for meWhy aren't you here tonight?I'm waiting alone now, so come on and come outAnd pull me near and shine, shine, shine
Hey Stephen, I could give you fifty reasonsWhy I should be the one you chooseAll those other girls, well, they're beautifulBut would they write a song for you?
I can't help it if you look like an angelCan't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain soCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met youCan't help it if there's no one elseMmm, I can't help myself
If you look like an angelCan't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain soCome feel this magic I've been feeling since I met youCan't help it if there's no one elseMmm, I can't help myself
MyselfCan't help myselfI can't help myself
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Monday, 11 March 2013
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Post-NTU open house
- As of now, I'd prefer to go for NTU over NUS. People say that NUS is better, but I'd say that NTU is underrated. The atmosphere, the environment, the people...Yeap, definitely NTU. But still, there's the NUS open house next saturday, so I won't decide yet...
- The integrated BSc and MSc programme sounds really good. It's on an invitational basis though. Hope I'll get invited to enrol in this programme then haha. I feel strangely confident. Time to keep up my A in chemistry till I graduate.
- Teaching as a career sounds appealing to me heh. But still,I can't put my finger down on the reasons as to why I would want to become a teacher, because those reasons are what MOE look at during the interview. To be honest, I'd say that Mr.Koh is my inspiration. The passion he possesses, is just...amazing.
- I'm definitely going for chemistry. Be it teaching, or working in industries. Just chemistry. I quite like synthetic chem though. Like what we're doing this semester. It's alot more fun then sitting in a classroom wrecking my brain over physical chemistry.
- I'm considering having a go at applying for the Singapore-Industry Scholarship. The only organization which looks for chemistry as the course of study is Novartis, a pharmaceutical company based in Switzerland. Of course, as Mr.Koh says, as with any scholarship, I should be level-headed and not dive into any scholarships.
- The LKC school of medicine looks quite impressive. Not that I'm going to be applying there,haha. I'm just not good enough to be a doctor.
- NUS would have to come up with something very impressive to convince me that they're better than NTU.
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Monday, 18 February 2013
An epitaph
An epitaph for my faithful and loyal bottle, who fell to its death earlier today in Math.
It was a tragic event. One moment you were there, sitting perfectly fine on my table top, the next, you were lying on the floor, heavily injured in a puddle of water. It was my fault that I was not able to save you in time, just like in comic books where the superhero somehow manages to save the damsel in distress at the very last moment. I finally understood how Spiderman/Peter Parker felt when he didn't manage to save Gwen Stacy in time.
You were a loyal bottle, diligently carrying water for me to keep me hydrated day and night, rain or shine. It's obvious that you didn't deserve to go this way. At the very least, decommissioned with a badge of diligent and loyal serving. Not only did I lose you, but also in the process inconvenienced my friends. Like Yi Xuan, who did most of the cleaning up, when it was the mess I made (I sincerely thank you for that), not forgetting Si Min, Felecia and Dion who also helped with the cleaning up. Samantha, who had to run off in search of a mop (alas,her efforts were in vain). Really sorry to Sam, Felecia and Si Min, because my inability to save my bottle in time really messed up their area and cause them to have to relocate. I really appreciate the help you all have all given me, and I'm truly sorry for causing all that trouble.
I will never forget you, my bottle for all that service you have given me. You're the world's best bottle by far.
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Friday, 15 February 2013
haha provided lousy stalking material yesterday.But,for once,I'll blog about the day's events.
woke up late.again-.-. at 6.30.sigh.Must be because I've been crashing late lately. But it's okay, I still manage to catch my usual 7.21am bus. Yea man, the feeling of catching the bus is just so...exhilarating.
I was sleepier than usual today, I was totally gong-ed for the first hour or so, and flipping through the career magazines, looking atchio bu-s possible future career paths. THEN CAME THE WORST SYNTHETIC CHEM PRAC IN MY LIFE. Two surprises awaited me in the lab. One, I got quite an unexpected mark which I really did not expect to get, I thought that I had done quite badly. Two, I was the 'lucky' fellow working singly today. Singly. Heh. S.A.D ftw!
And so began the downward spiral to destruction. I lagged behind everyone during the practical, and couldn't managed to do melting point determination (BECAUSE THE DAMN CRYSTALS REFUSES TO DRY AS USUAL) so i just smoked the results. Then came the TLC drama which I took almost an entire hour after lesson finished. Held Mr.Koh back >< Sigh, I'm quite a klutz when it comes to practicals. I'm an even greater klutz and king of all blur kings when I'm stressed out, so sorry Sam, for taking your worksheet by mistake >< After I finished, I realised that I labelled the spots on the plate wrongly, and so, had to smoke the drawings in my post-lab worksheets too. Sigh. A series of unfortunate events.
By the time I went back to class, I had 5 minutes left to go before Math. By then my stomach was really grumpy after all that hooha in the lab, luckily Dion bought me a waffle to pacify my demanding tummy for the moment. Math test was not really that much of a bother, I finished everything and was left with 5 minutes to go, though I'm 100% confident that I won't get full marks (I don't even have to construct a confidence interval to know that)
Lunch after math was quite...un-ordinary. Not extraordinary, nor ordinary, but un-ordinary. Heard some pretty interesting stuff in the canteens. Found out that Sagittarians kills Capricornians. Ate a packet of chicken rice. You know, the usual, entertaining lunch.
Then went back to class to chiong post-lab worksheet, and had to dash off at 4 smth for cca. Today we were doing flash photography, so all of us took turns being the photographer and the model. We got to use the huge flash thingy (the one that has an umbrella) too, it was quite fun, we had to keep our eyes shut everytime it flashes to prevent ourselves from that moment of sheer brilliance. I must say, though that the highlight was pin holding jia min's hand during the photoshoot. And also putting their arms around each others' waists. It was just so funny. It's wrong, haha but quite funny.
I went home feeling super deadbeat for some reason. Could be because my body was still aching from gym. Or because I slept at 12+ last night. Or the traumatic practical in the morning. And now I'm here waiting for my anime to finish downloading. Going to watch Ah boys to men 2 tomorrow. Oh well, that's all for now. Hope this was good stalking material.
woke up late.again-.-. at 6.30.sigh.Must be because I've been crashing late lately. But it's okay, I still manage to catch my usual 7.21am bus. Yea man, the feeling of catching the bus is just so...exhilarating.
I was sleepier than usual today, I was totally gong-ed for the first hour or so, and flipping through the career magazines, looking at
And so began the downward spiral to destruction. I lagged behind everyone during the practical, and couldn't managed to do melting point determination (BECAUSE THE DAMN CRYSTALS REFUSES TO DRY AS USUAL) so i just smoked the results. Then came the TLC drama which I took almost an entire hour after lesson finished. Held Mr.Koh back >< Sigh, I'm quite a klutz when it comes to practicals. I'm an even greater klutz and king of all blur kings when I'm stressed out, so sorry Sam, for taking your worksheet by mistake >< After I finished, I realised that I labelled the spots on the plate wrongly, and so, had to smoke the drawings in my post-lab worksheets too. Sigh. A series of unfortunate events.
By the time I went back to class, I had 5 minutes left to go before Math. By then my stomach was really grumpy after all that hooha in the lab, luckily Dion bought me a waffle to pacify my demanding tummy for the moment. Math test was not really that much of a bother, I finished everything and was left with 5 minutes to go, though I'm 100% confident that I won't get full marks (I don't even have to construct a confidence interval to know that)
Lunch after math was quite...un-ordinary. Not extraordinary, nor ordinary, but un-ordinary. Heard some pretty interesting stuff in the canteens. Found out that Sagittarians kills Capricornians. Ate a packet of chicken rice. You know, the usual, entertaining lunch.
Then went back to class to chiong post-lab worksheet, and had to dash off at 4 smth for cca. Today we were doing flash photography, so all of us took turns being the photographer and the model. We got to use the huge flash thingy (the one that has an umbrella) too, it was quite fun, we had to keep our eyes shut everytime it flashes to prevent ourselves from that moment of sheer brilliance. I must say, though that the highlight was pin holding jia min's hand during the photoshoot. And also putting their arms around each others' waists. It was just so funny. It's wrong, haha but quite funny.
I went home feeling super deadbeat for some reason. Could be because my body was still aching from gym. Or because I slept at 12+ last night. Or the traumatic practical in the morning. And now I'm here waiting for my anime to finish downloading. Going to watch Ah boys to men 2 tomorrow. Oh well, that's all for now. Hope this was good stalking material.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Valentine's eve
this is amazing
and so is this:
and no,this isn't because I'm a fan of maroon 5 or something. It's just nice.
anyways,tomorrow's valentine's day and I have two books due tomorrow(this is completely random).
Tomorrow's the day when all singles, like me will sigh and say "forever alone"....(well not entirely true, but it's just funny to say it) and all the attached/lovebirds will be whisked away into their own 二人世界(so mushy).
Not that being single bothers me,no. There are perks to being single.
Nevertheless, we can still spread some love around, eh?
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
I know this guy is fictional,but man,he's just awesome.

If I manage to get into OCS, well, he'd be my role model. Sounds weird, heh.
If I manage to get into OCS, well, he'd be my role model. Sounds weird, heh.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
We fail, to succeed.
“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
-Michael Jeffrey Jordan, Best basketballer in the history of basketball
Quite inspiring, this quote.
I found my buddy.on facebook.and...he has two other identical brothers.TRIPLETS.
He's definitely british. I think.
Oh, and, this is absolutely hilarious. Because I can actually relate to this(not completely)
True story. Now I can use some of these useful information in my poster. THANK YOU FACEBOOK!!!
I found my buddy.on facebook.and...he has two other identical brothers.TRIPLETS.
He's definitely british. I think.
Oh, and, this is absolutely hilarious. Because I can actually relate to this(not completely)
True story. Now I can use some of these useful information in my poster. THANK YOU FACEBOOK!!!
Monday, 4 February 2013
Sunday, 3 February 2013
I agree with the whole thing about the 2nd question in the CA 'quiz' (ya right,we've had plenty of 1 hour quizzes before), trying to sneak in an AQ question, rewording it as some -.- question on writing about an article on POLITICS. Well, duh, we have such 'quizzes' all the time. Bravo, el dept. It's not as though my gpa AND cap needs anymore pulling down, it's too high for your liking.
Anyway what's the use of this sort if english in the future? I'm not going to be a lawyer,or a politician or an english teacher -.-
I really don't see any use. Please do enlighten me on how it can be useful.
Anyway what's the use of this sort if english in the future? I'm not going to be a lawyer,or a politician or an english teacher -.-
I really don't see any use. Please do enlighten me on how it can be useful.
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Thursday, 31 January 2013
the future
I don't know what to do with my future lol. I'm currently looking through NUS and NTU chemistry...and so far my findings are:
- Should I decide to go for NUS/NTU pure chem, my career choices narrows down to teaching and research. And well, I'm sure all of you knows how I feel about research. But at the same time, I'm not sure whether I'm cut out for teaching.
- If I decide to opt for NUS/NTU applied chem (for NTU it's basically almost the same course as pure chem but differs in the modules taken), there are several routes of specialization offered at some point in time,if I'm not mistaken, at year 3. Applied chem is advantageous in the sense that it is more practical, but I'm still...floating around aimlessly like a cloud?
- I don't know where my passion lies. Chemistry is such a broad discipline, what exactly do I like about it? Or do I think I like it because it's my best subject?
seriously at a loss.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
It is in the nature of human beings to sin. But,so long as we repent from our sins, God, our merciful, loving Father in Heaven, will forgive us of our transgressions.
To stop ourselves from sinning (which is not entirely possible), we just have to have God's word in our hearts, for it is written in Psalms 119:11, "Thy word I have hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee."
In the Bible we have God's perfect word, the Law that we ought to abide by, it is by God's utmost holy standards that we are being judged by at all times, not the worldly laws which adjudicate (not sure whether this word is properly used) the world we currently live in. We are only mere passersby in this temporary world. On this temporal world which we call home currently, we are the light and salt of this world. (Matthew 5:13-14).
One day, this world will come to an end (Matthew 24), be it in our lifetime or not, but it is coming. No one will know when, as written in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." It is inevitable, it shall come to pass. (Refer also to 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17)
In conclusion, " Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober."
To stop ourselves from sinning (which is not entirely possible), we just have to have God's word in our hearts, for it is written in Psalms 119:11, "Thy word I have hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee."
In the Bible we have God's perfect word, the Law that we ought to abide by, it is by God's utmost holy standards that we are being judged by at all times, not the worldly laws which adjudicate (not sure whether this word is properly used) the world we currently live in. We are only mere passersby in this temporary world. On this temporal world which we call home currently, we are the light and salt of this world. (Matthew 5:13-14).
One day, this world will come to an end (Matthew 24), be it in our lifetime or not, but it is coming. No one will know when, as written in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." It is inevitable, it shall come to pass. (Refer also to 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17)
In conclusion, " Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober."
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
this may sound like I'm trying to find an excuse,but soccer hasn't given me what I was looking for in the first place when I joined. I wanted to be able to enjoy the game more. but I haven't. instead I dread every training session, I don't click well with the people there, my awful tactical awareness makes me look like a fool. Right now soccer is more like a training session for me to prepare for NS physically. If I wanted to do that,I would have joined odac, or any other sports cca, or just train myself.heck,I should have joined ncc in yr 1 instead of wasting 4 years at yfc.
I don't know whether I should continue going for training with this back condition I have. It's called facet syndrome, and well I don't know whether it's normal or not,but so far this year, I leave every training session with a sore lower back. The doctor has advised me on avoiding anything that could potentially aggravate my situation, such as contact sports( i.e. football). He's also provided me with a letter to excuse me from such activities. I've just been holding it back, and testing how my back holds out.
sigh.it's something that's been troubling me since last friday. should I hang up my boots, and turn in that excuse letter?or should I continue to fight through it?
I don't know whether I should continue going for training with this back condition I have. It's called facet syndrome, and well I don't know whether it's normal or not,but so far this year, I leave every training session with a sore lower back. The doctor has advised me on avoiding anything that could potentially aggravate my situation, such as contact sports( i.e. football). He's also provided me with a letter to excuse me from such activities. I've just been holding it back, and testing how my back holds out.
sigh.it's something that's been troubling me since last friday. should I hang up my boots, and turn in that excuse letter?or should I continue to fight through it?
Sunday, 27 January 2013
I don't think I gave a very organized answer to the question on tips for losing weight.
Well,this is what I did in year 3 to lose 15 kilos in a matter of months. Plus also a few tips added in.
Well,this is what I did in year 3 to lose 15 kilos in a matter of months. Plus also a few tips added in.
- I ate less rice and more veggies(I eat alot, so might as well eat more greens to fill up that empty space in my tummy).
- I also ate brown rice ( which you do)
- My mum was trying to lose weight at that time too, which helped as she did all the cooking. Like all housewives do. So basically she helped shape my eating habits and diet at that time.
- I exercised daily. Ran 2.4, did push-ups and sit-ups to shape up. Sad to say, losing weight isn't exactly possible w/o having to break a single sweat.
- Admitted that I was fat and needed to lose weight. (mindset)
- Pray that your mum would understand your plight/predicament (i don't know how to put it :/) and try to explain it to her nicely that you would like to eat less. The key word here is pray.
- Try out the beep test, or just run 2.4 daily :P Don't want to disappoint you, but...sweating it out is key in losing weight. Somehow it does.
- Avoid eating the fatty part of meat. Chicken, pork and beef etc. Haha so no chicken skin.Once in a while maybe you can 'reward' yourself. But abstain from eating these fatty parts, coz' they're really fatty ><
- Avoid consuming refined food products, such as white rice, white sugar, refined flour-based products (such as bread, eat only wholemeal bread if you want to eat bread. So white bread is a no-no).
- Try to avoid bottled drinks like those sold in the canteen, they're usually loaded with sugar. Carbohydrates are just as bad (or potentially worse) as fat especially when you don't get to burn the carbs (i.e. exercise). But I think isotonic drinks should be fine.
- Avoid drinking those sweet, carbonated drinks too. Once in a while should be fine ( really once in a while).
- Avoid late night snacking, they really do count towards your calories.
- No matter what, take breakfast. They do increase your metabolism.
- Protein makes you feel fuller, but I forgot about the scientific basis for this. So eat more protein instead of carbs. If (and-only-if) possible, take at most a fist-sized amount of carbs for each meal. (but I don't really do that). For some reason vegetables also do have carbs. Their starch content perhaps?
- Try to do push-ups and sit-ups/crunches. Or any of your own exercises, just to tone up.
These are the best tips I can come up with currently, but I'm not a professional nutritionist or some sort, if you don't feel right about this, don't follow it. I don't want to jeopardize your health.
grr...trying to get the beeptest file into my ipod now...why is it so darn hard.
oh i suppose beeptest is a good way to lose weight too.you can do it almost anywhere,like at your void deck,etc.you just need 20m of free space,and that's all, really.
trains both your anaerobic and aerobic endurance/stamina.
here's the link to download it.
scroll to the bottom,and just follow the instructions to download the mp3 file.
but have fun trying to get it onto your ipod/phone.
if you don't know what is a beep test,you can check out this link below:)
I think the max is three strikes.but if you want to be strict with yourself,it's two strikes.it takes at most 10-20 minutes.
oh i suppose beeptest is a good way to lose weight too.you can do it almost anywhere,like at your void deck,etc.you just need 20m of free space,and that's all, really.
trains both your anaerobic and aerobic endurance/stamina.
here's the link to download it.
scroll to the bottom,and just follow the instructions to download the mp3 file.
but have fun trying to get it onto your ipod/phone.
if you don't know what is a beep test,you can check out this link below:)
I think the max is three strikes.but if you want to be strict with yourself,it's two strikes.it takes at most 10-20 minutes.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Jordan Knight.
Today's physics was quite normal. As in clifton soh-normal.
oh ya,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_Knight
check it out.he's some singer apparently.
meanwhile,I'm stuck here on the 8th page of my chem report still trying to figure out the heck do I explain the reaction of Potassium tris(oxalato)ferrate(III) with NaOH. and I haven't even gotten to experimental errors yet.
oh ya,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_Knight
check it out.he's some singer apparently.
meanwhile,I'm stuck here on the 8th page of my chem report still trying to figure out the heck do I explain the reaction of Potassium tris(oxalato)ferrate(III) with NaOH. and I haven't even gotten to experimental errors yet.
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
looks like I've came down with a bout of flu.
Not serious enough to make me miss school tomorrow, but still gotta be cautious about it. No choice, won't be able to go for training tomorrow, and for obvious reasons I'll have to forgo class lunch with Dewey and go home after ace.
Really really hate this feeling in my throat ><
Not serious enough to make me miss school tomorrow, but still gotta be cautious about it. No choice, won't be able to go for training tomorrow, and for obvious reasons I'll have to forgo class lunch with Dewey and go home after ace.
Really really hate this feeling in my throat ><
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Somehow,to me,question 4 seems flawed.
Doesn't the government exist to serve its citizens? Everything they do,isn't it supposed to be for the citizens?
I don't get it. What is the question asking for then, given that everything the government does is for its people.
Well, ya, I know that the government is also responsible for the growth of the nation...well isn't that beneficial to the citizens too?
Or does need in this case refer to the personal needs of the citizens/people?
Well, ya, I know that the government is also responsible for the growth of the nation...well isn't that beneficial to the citizens too?
Or does need in this case refer to the personal needs of the citizens/people?
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
I find myself utterly incapable of speaking good english to someone over the phone who speaks not-so-good english.
it's like I start using broken english.sigh.
Then when I start using chinese,I find it less difficult. win.
it's like I start using broken english.sigh.
Then when I start using chinese,I find it less difficult. win.
Monday, 14 January 2013
Sunday, 13 January 2013
confusing feelings
woke up feeling pretty confused following last night's dreams...they revealed things buried in my heart,which I was so determined to put to rest. About a friendship that I really do treasure, I wouldn't want to risk jeopardizing it.
oh well.God will lead the way.
must be more outspoken and 'commanding'!that's a 承诺!
oh well.God will lead the way.
must be more outspoken and 'commanding'!that's a 承诺!
Friday, 11 January 2013
don't know why
I don't know why I have this strong desire to want to get into OCS. lol.
which,considering my personality,is a distant possibility.
which,considering my personality,is a distant possibility.
Monday, 7 January 2013
Somehow,I'm quite super annoyed by ex-es who show up and interfere with relationships.
And that's putting it really nicely.
Sunday, 6 January 2013
news flash
Well,apparently,there's a friendly match tomorrow.Loo said that it's away.
This is just far to sudden.And I'm scared of screwing up in this match.I don't want to.
Right.I'd just have to pray that God will lead me through it, then.
This is just far to sudden.And I'm scared of screwing up in this match.I don't want to.
Right.I'd just have to pray that God will lead me through it, then.
All my arp stuff,except for the poster that is(well that's another thing to worry about in the near future.)
tmr just need to go get form 1c from my mentor,and then can finally put this pesky arp business to rest...momentarily.
also,I finished packing my bag...but gonna be bringing a blue bag stuffed with clothes tmr.well,coz there's other stuff that makes it stuffed.
and there's training tmr.really hope I can impress coach this year.I may not be very fit,but I think i can make the bench.also,my ball skills seemed to have improved.it's a challenge.
anws,hope we're gonna get our new kit tmr!
going to crash soon,quite tired from soccer just now...don't want to be sleeping in valles's class tmr,no matter how boring it can possibly get.
on a sidenote,how apt it is that my QT today was on Psalms 92, a Psalm on the Lord's Sabbath Day.Quite wondrous, in fact...well a little confession here, I'm not the best role model when it comes to doing my QT,but God has really shown me why I should do it today.He has shown me that He will be with me,when I'm doing my QT. That's my 个人领受, actually. So what I do during QT will not go down into the train.He will treasure time spent with His children. I'll strive to be more consistent in my QT and be a better christian this year!
Friday, 4 January 2013
hippos can fly
I'm sure they do.I can just practically imagine one soaring high in the sky.
Anyways...GUESS WHO'S GOING ALONG TO UK WITH MR LIM?(the spork guy)
ME!!! WOOTS!!!
Also,wanted to share this song with you all...it's really nice,it's the title song to my all time favorite taiwanese drama, 真爱找麻烦 (which is, in my opinion, a gazillion times better than 爱)
GO WATCH IT!!!heehees^^
Anyways...GUESS WHO'S GOING ALONG TO UK WITH MR LIM?(the spork guy)
ME!!! WOOTS!!!
Also,wanted to share this song with you all...it's really nice,it's the title song to my all time favorite taiwanese drama, 真爱找麻烦 (which is, in my opinion, a gazillion times better than 爱)
GO WATCH IT!!!heehees^^
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