Monday, 12 March 2012



this morning when i jetted off for training(joking only la,i no jet plane ): ),took the train to school.for the first time in like 4 was totally rad(no it wasn't)

when i reached clementi,saw kr there.but he was taking i decided to walk to school.not that i hate him or anything,just that it feels awkward...

while walking to school,met MR LEE!!!haha so awesome,chatting with him all the way while walking to school.apparently his house(i don't know what to call those olden day kampong kinda....houses?o.o") had this garden in it,because his parents are in the agricultural industry(actually at that time i'm not even sure you have this word,agricultural,back in the days as well.but i'm assuming it's that xD)

and that his honours in bio in nus was botany as well.real committed dude!runs in his blood i he's pretty much been surrounded by plants his whole can see that passion in him,it's like burning.really.not joking.

best bio teacher ever!(other than malcolm soh).

then,came TRAINING(cue doomsday music).coach finally did fitness training,and i must say,i suck at it.and the fact that we were doing it on the fabulous disgustingly muddy field.WHY NO ASTROTURF DDDD:

it was like running in mud soup ><

then he made us run 800m in like 3 m lol.and it's not even 800m because it's on the school field.dang.

the rest of training was quite monotonous (it is for you guys).

except there was this part where i blocked a SIONG GIM shot with my instep.sure,the way i went in looks impressive,but stupid move.should have used my studs(not on him,on the ball).now my right leg feels screwed.

got my boots cleaned(had to directly wash it(apparently i'm not supposed to,because can't get leather wet(which i totally knew(lolol))),because it's covered with mud=.=)

went back to hostel,showered up,did some laundry,and then decided that i was too tired to go out,and went back home.

on the train ride back home,i actually dozed off standing.had to wake up a few times to make sure that i didn't look stupid sleeping:P

reach yew tee,and i decided to be greedy and buy taiwan chicken!oh my gosh pure goodness(mouth melts).

right.but the weird thing is,while walking back home,i suddenly had the urge to cry.i don't know why,must be the mood of the song(it was qing tian) that suddenly made me think of something :O

throughout my 5 years of teenagehood,i have only cried(or wept) like 4-5 times (but i think that's alot for a guy lolol),and it's because of near extreme sadness.

so i reached home,had lunch,cleaned the fan(not fan kai ming,the real fan,what would he be doing at my house LOL) then went to sleep.

woke up at 4.46,went to get some yogurt + granola,cut and wash vegetables(for dinner) and here i am blogging.

i think i'm going to do work later.chem stuff though,i'm not really in the mood for anything else.

see ya~

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